Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Another year has past and we are so excited to welcome a new one.
The PRO's and CON's that 2011 brought to the Hatchs were:
*Jan.-Natalie turned the BIG "3-0"!!! WOW!!! It really did happened.
The PRO's & CON's.
PRO: Bryan & Natalie went to the Game Show," Let's make a Deal"
and Natalie won a brand new car.
CON: Bryan and I had to keep it a secret till May 4th
PRO: When we finally watched it with family and friends,
seeing their reactions was Priceless.
CON: It took 3 more months after that to actually get the car.
So that is a total of 9months a one day
to be exact from the day I won the car
till the day I got to drive the car home!
PRO: Since it took forever the actual car I won
was no longer available and I got to choose any car I wanted to buy.
CON: I still had to pay the taxes and the difference.
YAY!!!!!!! 30 ROCKS!!!!!
*We started going to an infertility specialist
PRO's- Got tests done and found nothing wrong.
CON's: Found a little fibroid in uterus
PRO: Easily fixed and didn't cause any damage
CON: Still not Pregnant and nothing wrong????
PRO: Nothing Wrong :)
*Feb.-Bryan got his Wisdom teeth out PRO and CON
*March-We celebrated our 4th year of eternal marriage!! Definitely a PRO!!
Bryan is the most wonderful Husband a girl like me could ask for!!!
*April-Bryan turned 28!!! PRO he is catching up to me!!!
PRO's: He had a totally fun B-Day Party!!
Tons of friend and family, treats, a sword fighting competition and Mustaches
What else could you ask for!!
CON: Bryan didn't WIN
PRO:Marc Jackson did and it was tons of fun to watch!!
Tons of funny pictures! Thanks for all those who came.
Bryan got his first Ladder!! Thanks mom and dad HATCH!!!
*May-PRO:Spent a few days in Happy Jack with Bryan's whole family!!
CON: Everyone got a little lost on the way up!
PRO: We ate tons of yummy food, played tons of games,
had a little dance party, and
convinced the grand kids that snipes are REAL!!
*June- Went on an amazing Cowboy date with Bryan!!!
PRO: Rode Real horses
CON: I got horse sweat all over my butt and
felt like I was going to fall off the whole time
because I was sitting behind the saddle.
PRO: It was an adventure and tons of fun!!
I had the BEST piece of Steak I have ever eaten!!
(Thanks to Brent McCown!!)
*July- PRO's: Spent the 4th in Utah !!! Weather was perfect,
Food, family and fireworks perfect!!!
More PRO's: Went to the Hancock Family Reunion!!
Saw people I haven't seen in a long time.
Bryan was a killer DJ and danced his BUM off!!
SOOOO FUN!!! I love My Family!!!
* CON:Started our first IUI and it didn't work!!
CON: I got released as the 2nd Coun.
in the Relief Society and
it was all over the phone while I was on vacation.
PRO: I got a new calling as the
1st. Coun. in the Young Women Presidency.
Also over that same phone call.
*August- Went to Hawaii for 2 WEEKS!!!!
Yes 2 weeks!!! Who does that ????
Well The Hatch's had the
amazing opportunity this year to go so we did!!
Thanks again to Emily and Cy Bowers who let us stay with them in Oahu.
Thanks to Melonie and Garth Turley for letting us stay with them in Maui.
PRO's: SO many I don't think I can list them.
CON's: Bryan locked keys in rental car and it took 5 hours to get in.
PRO: Because of the key fiasco
we got to have the BLACK Sand Beach to ourselves!!
Tender mercy!!! Thanks!!!
*Sept.-PRO:Finally got my NEW CAR!!!
CON: I actually won it in Jan.
I guess this was my 9 month baby this year!!
I am hoping for a real, live, breathing, human baby this next year:)
*Oct- PRO's: We had hilarious Halloween costumes this year!!
I was FLO from the Progressive Commercials.
Bryan was Mayhem from the Allstate Commercials.
CON:Bryan got really sick
and only the people at work
got to actually see him in his costume.
everyone else had to look at the picture of it.
PRO's: I got pictures of both of us!!
It was so much fun!! Even kids knew who I was!!
* Bryan had his 10 YEAR High School Reunion!
CON: Non of his friends went!! LAME!
PRO's: My little brother Stuart graduated with Bryan
so he and his wife were there.
I knew a ton of people. The food was catered by Mokis!!! YUM!
*Kimball Stake Family Vacation.
PRO: We didn't have to cook and we
went to some cool classes and learned a lot of new things.
CON: The food wasn't very yummy!
PRO's: The skit nights were fun
and my Wilson family sang a song together!
PRO/CON: Bryan got released as Elders Quorum President.
PRO/PRO: He is the 2nd couns. in Young Men's.
*Nov.-CON: Round 2 of IUI didn't work
PRO's: Thanksgiving was so much fun!!!
Great family and yummy food!
CON: Black Friday started at 10pm
on Thanksgiving and we went to AJ to change it up.
The people were crazy!! Bad idea!!!
PRO's: We got 2 mountain Bikes for $50 each!! YAY!!
We also got a TV and Blueray Player
for MOM and DAD Wilson!
PRO: Scott Broadbent came with us!
He made it fun!
PRO: We had a Successful Yard Sale.
We made almost $400
$71 of it was by selling homemade
cinnamon rolls and muffins, soda and water.
*Dec.- CON: 3rd IUI didn't' work.
PRO: at least our insurance fully covers it this year.
CON: Next year they won't! :(
PRO's: We got to give Bryan's Parents
tickets to flight to Hawaii for their Anniversary in Feb.
and made my parents
go on a fun scavenger hunt
to get their First
New Digital TV and Blueray player!!
It was sooooooo Fun!!!
PRO: Played tons of games, ate yummy food,
got to see Dean Kerr.
We went to Michelle's Cabin
in Strawberry and played tons of games.
(weekend warrior)
CON: I didn't win the Weekend Warrior
PRO: It was fun trying!
PRO: All month of Dec. I was given special gifts
from a secret Nutcracker.
It was Bryan and he made me feel really special!
I love you Bryan!!! Thanks again!!
CON: I cried singing in the choir
and giving the closing prayer in church
and watching the video that Bryan made me.
PRO: I felt the Spirit of GOD at every one of those moments.
I know God lives and He loves me!!
GOOD BYE 2011 and HELLO 2012!!!

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